Saturday, May 16, 2009

Pink rose - unfinished

Another rose I found blooming in my son's yard...couldn't resist painting it in watercolor. It's not finished...I've been painting on it a little bit every day.


Alex said...

It's so pretty!!! :) My mom would have jumped with joy simply looking at this one.
And I love seeing how you build up the layers, and sometimes I prefer unfinished drawings over the finished one for some reason. I guess I prefer seeing potential over result, but of course, both are equally important. Great job!

winna said...

each one you do must bring you joy!

Carolyn said...

Alex, I know what you mean about "unfinished drawings" sometimes having more meaning. After I posted this...I added another layer of paint to some of the leaves...and I'm thinking about calling it finished.

Carolyn said...

Winna...every time I pick up my brush to brings me joy! It's so addictive...

PAK ART said...

It's beautiful. You've captured the grace and delicacy of the petals.